

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service (inside Brandywine elementary) | 14101 Brandywine Rd. Brandywine MD 20613


Our website is just the introduction to the spirit of our church.  We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. We are a church assisting the aim of guiding humanity in clarity and commitment to God through the Word of God.  Because of God's love, grace and mercy, we offer an environment where everyone is welcome.  Here at C|L|E|A|R, we are clear that no one is perfect, everyone is given them opportunity to spiritually grow and with spiritual growth we aim to have some grounding in human reality.  We are purposed to "preach with our hands" (helping others) and "let's be clear" (gain understanding) as we strive to practice the full counsel of God in our life affairs.  Most importantly, we are a body of believers made up of people from different backgrounds and stories joined together because of the gospel of Christ.  We encourage you to please . . .

Come, Connect & Worship With Us!